Solo Travelers welcome!!

CDV offers cultural experiences that last a lifetime, and traveling alone is no excuse for missing out!

Written By: Sandy K
Location: Fresno - CA - USA
Review Source: Trip Advisor
Type of Traveler: Solo Traveler
Itinerary: Barolo

Full Review

Three years ago my husband & I went to Soriano and came home with unforgettable memories of Italy and it's culture gifted to us by Michael & Paola & the amazing CDV team. In August I returned to Italy solo and was part of the Barolo alumni vacation. I was a little apprehensive, because I had never done a solo trip like this before. But before dinner was over that first evening, I felt like I had known the other guests & our host family, the Marrones, forever. After awhile it was hard to remember who had come with whom or who was traveling alone (I wasn't the only solo). We were all just one big happy family! We still keep in touch with each other. A bonus to me, being a Senior Citizen, was the feeling of being well looked after by the others. CDV offers cultural experiences that last a lifetime, and traveling alone is no excuse for missing out!

Sample Photo from this Itinerary